Saturday, March 4, 2017

Tuesday February 28, 2017 Luke 17:7-10 “Will anyone of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, come at once and recline at table? Will he not rather say to him, prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink? Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, We are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty."

Jesus served us unto the point of death on the cross. He did what was commanded of him. It was his duty. It was why he was born. There is also a reason why we were created and a will that god wants to walk in. There are good works that God has planned for me. Only by Gods grace am I able to walk in those good works. I am unworthy of any of these things that God is doing in my life. Going through the discipleship ministry here in Guatemala is just my duty. I know that I am in Gods will, so anything that is asked of me from my authority comes from the lord because he is sovereign. Being here and serving is just my duty. God didn’t bring me here to please myself and to be lazy. He brought me here to grow in him. To transform me into what he has created me for. To be more like Jesus. Jesus was the ultimate servant leader. So if I am being molded by god, who is sovereign over my life, I can expect to be asked to serve and know that it is just my duty. Its part of being a slave to Christ. Its just what we do ask Christians. Not only am I to serve, but I am to look for nothing in return. Wake up, do what I’m told, and love Jesus. Repeat
I have no rights before God. I am undeserving of anything that He gives me. Someone said this - "We should be content with no wage from God". And it's true. God has already given us the best most undeserving gift and that is eternal life. I know I do not deserve it, but he paid the price of His son so that I can have it. I am unworthy to get any pat on the backs or encouragement when doing what is expected of me. I do not reward my son for doing what was asked of him. If I gave him candy fr brushing his teeth, not only would it be counter productive, but his motive to brush his teeth would be to get the candy instead of doing it because he is obedient in doing the right thing. And why would we as Christians settle for the table of this world when we have one being prepared for us in heaven. And how grateful should I be that I get that, the best table, because I certainly do not deserve it. I deserve a chair in hell because I am a sinner. God owes me nothing, but instead I owe Him everything. I owe him my life, no matter the cost. Because any cost is no cost when compared to what He did to save me a seat at His table in heaven. I am an unworthy servant. Any pride, arrogance, self centeredness is out the door when remembering just how small I really am and how little I can do. If I am capable of doing anything great, it is only by God that I am able, so why still would I consider myself worthy. God does not need me to complete His work. But I am so blessed and humbled to know that, although I am not capable in my own strength, He still uses me, which shows me value that I will recieve in my eternal life. God loves me and I should be content with that. He is saving my seat at the table.

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