Friday, April 14, 2017

Thursday March 30, 2017 II Timothy 2:2 And what you have from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.


The revelation and understanding that God gives us through his word is a blessing that we are not to keep to ourselves. We are to have fellowship over it. Some are called to teach it to other faithful men who will then in turn teach also. But we all are called to be students of his word. We never know when God will place us in a circumstance that requires us to draw upon the knowledge we gained during our time here as students. We were all called here for a reason and I believe its because God in some way wants to use us all for his kingdom work. There will be some of us who will be called to teach and some even to preach and pastor churches. This season is to prepare us fro the next season, and the next for the next and so on. Knowing this, we must continue to be students of his word in each season because we never know when he will call us to teach what what we have learned to other faithful men.

This verse is the truth of a disciple. In verse one, Timothy refers to the readers as children.  What they have heard and what has been taught to them should be then taught to other faithful men.  In doing that, they will turn around and teach others the same.  If we think about a nicely stacks display of glasses, with fifty on the bottom then forty-five then forty and up and up until it gets to one cup on top, then we pour water into the first cup.  What happens?  The first cup gets full and begins to overflow, but the cups that are holding it up now get poured into until they are overflowing, then the next cups, then the next.  This is a beautiful picture of what it means to disciple.  Timothy understood that what these children in the faith learn, they must eventually get to a point of spiritual fullness where they go out and and teach others, who go out and teach others.

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