Monday, September 11, 2017

IBS Week 19:


Father thank you for this day of rest to think about what all you have done. It really is incredible to look back and rejoice and see what all you have done and brought me through. You have grown me so much father. You have made me do things I don’t want to do but in the end its always for my good. In the past, I would have ran from most situations that you that you have brought me through here. But you have shown me to press on, to persevere and to endure. You have changed me much Lord but there is still much work to do. Im very far from imitating Christ and your likeness. Its has been so easy for me to get caught up in the preparation of the nest season and what it looks like. Ive have been keeping my eyes on myself and what is in it for me that I sometimes lose Gods perspective on it all. Our lives here on this side of heaven is only to prepare us for heaven. To make us more like his son. In the process we get to be vessels of Gods grace and are the lights in this dark world. Even though the death of gunner this week was tragic, I know you will use it for the good. It is truly a blessing Lord to see you working in the life of other people. Thank you for those eyes, your eyes.

John 5:2-17 – “The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath”

Jesus sees this paralyzed man and wants to heal him.  My ESV version says that he is an “invalid”.  That class consisted of the blind, lame, and paralyzed.  Jesus asked the man, “Do you want to be healed?”  The man gives some kind of excuse, probably out of fear, but Jesus tells him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.”  The man was instantly healed, and he took up his mat and walked.  I know I have many things that deem me “invalid”.  I am prideful yet insecure, lacking self-control yet crippled by fear.  This passage was Jesus speaking to me asking “Julie, do you want to be healed?”.  “Yes, Jesus, yes I do!”  My excuse for getting up and walking, again probably out of fear, is that I do not want to fall again.  This fear came from past experiences.  Once Jesus healed me and picked me up, I hit the ground running just to find myself back on the floor begging for God to pick me back up.  I left Him in the dust and ran on my own strength.  After a very hard fall in this last season, Jesus has once again healed me and picked me up, but this time I am deciding to walk in His stride and not my own.  This takes self-control that I do not naturally have and humility that I also do not naturally have.  But this new season of walking with Him very slowly and at His pace has grown me in those areas as well as patience and how to wait upon the Lord.  

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