Wednesday, June 28, 2017

IBS Week 10:


2 Timothy 2:21 – “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”

Father, thank you for this morning here with You in Your Word.  Thank you for your grace and mercy and for allowing me to be healthy.  Thank you for Your Word and Your revelations of who You are.  On Saturday the 24th, on the way to the beach, Austin asked me to teach chapel on the 6th of July.  God, You are so incredible.  To bring a guy like me from where I was to where I am now is a miracle.  It’s who You are.  It’s what You do.  You brought to mind on Sunday during church a verse that You gave me very early on during my walk with You – 2 Timothy 2:21.  Lord, You have cleansed me from what is dishonorable, and now I am ready for You to use me for every good work.  Whether it be teaching, media, gardening, or leading my family, they are works that You have prepared for me to bear fruit for You.  God, You are so good and faithful.  Thank you for choosing me to be a part of Your kingdom.


Luke 7:36-50 – The woman with the oil

This woman was bold by being such a sinner and walking into a Pharisee’s house.  She honored Jesus (I think) by standing behind him.  She acknowledged who she was by weeping.  She obeyed the Holy Spirit (I think) by giving Jesus her oil.  She sacrificed (I think) by giving her valuable oil.  If I had to guess, I would say it was expensive.  She didn’t do this act to be forgiven (I don’t think).  I honestly think she was compelled by the Holy Spirit to pour out all she had to Jesus, whether it was much or little (like the feeding of 5000).  She probably thought she couldn’t offer anything of enough worth because she was such a sinner, but she had the same child-like faith that the boy had in the feeding of 5000 to humble herself (to not care what others thought) and to give up what she had (sacrifice).  She did not even have water or a towel.  She used her tears and hair.  On her way to Jesus I’m sure she thought, “I am so unprepared to do what I am being compelled to do, but here I go anyway.”  She was faithful when it made no sense to be.  She was so bold and courageous to walk into a Pharisee’s house being such a sinner that everyone knew her.  And little did she know that by giving her oil, tears, and hair (something so little), she gave MORE than anyone else at that house.  She didn’t let the enemy tell her that because she had so little that it wasn’t enough in comparison to the “Pharisees” and “disciples”.  She just walked when God called.  And in being so faithful, Jesus forgave her of her sins and she was able to be at peace.  For a sinner, it is truly a relief to hear that you are forgiven.  I’m sure hearing it from the mouth of God, face to face with Jesus, was beyond words can explain.  This woman didn’t seek to serve Jesus to earn her forgiveness, she simply walked in the Spirit.

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