Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Monday January 30, 2017 Luke 8:11-15
        The parable of the sower is broken down into four scenerios.  I feel like a part of my heart contains each bit of these soils.  Sometimes I hear something via the Word or fellowship that really speaks to me, but within minutes of that seed landing on my heart, the enemy has attacked it and taken it away.  Through doubt or forgetfulness it is just gone. I am recognizing the hardness my heart still has to recieving God's word in certain areas, just like the hard path. Also,  there are seasons of my life where God is constantly testing me.  The tree that I am growing in to gets blown by the testing winds, and where my roots are not grounded deep enough, I'm uprooted and fall.  This is a lack of faith and a lack of foundation in God to endure the harsh conditions.  I have also realized that I get choked out by the world, whether it's caring too much about tasks and not God or financial stability or myself in general.  But every day God is patient with me.  My Sower gardens my heart every day, even on my good days.  Last week our garden in the courtyard had a "sick spot".  Christian immediately removed it.  Even though the garden was in good standing before he found that spot, he still monitored and cared for the garden, because even a good garden needs constant care and maintenance.  I've noticed God doing the same in my heart.  He has been plowing my soil, making it durable for planting and protecting seeds.  He is removing rocks so that the roots of faith can keep me firmly grounded and He is continuing to remove the thorns of the world that stunt my growth in Him.  

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