Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday February 8, 2017 Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


"Be content with what you have” in other words be content with what “I”, God your father, have given to you. Everything that I will ever have in my life, whether it be much or little, is there because god placed it there. When its little, or when things are coming down to the last minute, he always comes through with the provision that I need. The only things he asks of me is to wait on him to provide it. There have been so many times when I thought I should take things into my own hands but I could here God telling me to wait on him. Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage, wait for the lord!” David was an incredible good at waiting. He waited many years to take the throne that was promised to him. He trusted god and was content with the cards that God dealt him. I can attribute the reason why I am here to me waiting on the Lord on not trying to make things happen on my own because of discontentment. I stayed content on where God had me and what I had at that time because I trusted in his sovereignty. When I realized that everything I had in my life was a gift from God and was only there because of him, it really gave me the content heart I’ve been longing for. It was hard at first to trust and believe that he would never leave me or forsake me. That he would provide for my every need. But the more I let go of things the more he came through. I came to the conclusion early on that I would rather have my hands off  completely so that I could look back and say God did that not me. Now that God sits at the Wheel in my life, I can confidently say and believe that he will never leave me or forsake me.

This whole section reminds us of the "do nots" of Christianity.  Do not neglect a brother, do not forget those in prison, do not defile marriage, do not lust money.  All of these "do nots" are backed up with a strong point. Do not neglect a brother = some are angels, do not forget those in prison = they are part of the body, do not defile marriage = God will judge, do not lust over money.... wait there is no point, just a sweet message from God "I will never leave you nor forsake you".  Through my time here, I've really struggled with accepting God's love.  I guess I never forgave myself for my former life or maybe because of my past I thought I was unable to be loved without conditions.  As I said yesterday, my comfort was found in money.  It was something I had control over, but really it had control over me.  I was not obsessed with having lots of money, but I was obsessed with organizing it, checking and rechecking, managing, manipulating.  My money is not what's bad, it is the love and obsession I had over it.  But slowly God has been breaking me of the obsession.  All that was left was the security that money gave me.  God was not on the throne of my heart. Why though? Because I didn't trust him !!! I didn't trust him with my life, much less our family.  He wasnt the comfort and security I wanted, which always confused me because the Word says otherwise.  So how come God overlooked me? He didn't.  He has never forgotten.  I was the problem.  I was looking for security in money, in my marriage and in my status.  I was looking to the world for comfort and it all comes up short once we have expierenced God.  Verse 6 says "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do for me?" What can man do for me that God cannot? What can the world offer me that is better?  The world is fake and phony.  It bails when times get hard.  It's demanding.  It merits.  It decieves and it kills.  The world is the enemy's home.  Why would I continue to look for love, comfort, and security in his den? I want my Father.  The Father that, I now recognize, has shown me love, comfort and security my whole life.  He has never left me.  He will not forsake me.  I used to not believe this, but now I do.  Praise God that he never gave up on me for now I can honestly rest in contentment that he has prepared for my life.  And I pray that He continues to strip me of my worldly desires and continues to make me rely soley on Him.

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