Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Thursday January 26, 2017 II Corinthians 1:12

         Before Christ, life seemed to get more and more complex. Having to keep up with all the lies and deception. The world seemed to suck me deeper and deeper into into its whole. On top of that God placed two people in my life to look after. It was all so incredibly overwhelming. Then God broke into my life and filled that void that I was trying to fill with the things of this world for so long. He showed the lie I was living and the things I was running from and slowly began to burn away the things he doesn’t need for his purposes. Its by Gods grace alone that I have been delivered into a simple life. He has filled that void with himself like he originally intended, and has blessed me with things I don’t deserve. He has given me a new heart and desires. To be open, honest, and genuine. I pray that he continues to give me the strength and courage to keep pouring out his grace and wisdom that he has blessed me with, not pridefully but sincerely. One of the great things of christianity is the simplicity of it all. “Take up your cross and follow me.” Jesus thank you for the privilege to turn away daily from all the things I really never wanted and to trust you with my life.

        The before and after of this verse all pertain to Paul suffering for others.  He talks about how his affliction are for the comfort of those who are in affliction.  This reminds me of hearing Brooke's testimony and how I know she is going to influence my life greater than what she already has.  Verse 5 - "For we all share in Christ's sufferings".  And I am sure others could learn from my "afflictions", or as I call them "mistakes in life".  This is where verse 12 comes in to play.  We are not to boast of our accomplishments, but our testimonies.  A testimony is when we are so sick of our flesh and disgusted with our heart, and we would rather be gone from the world than taint the dough with any more of our yeast and feeling the same weight as the adultrous woman about to be stoned.  But, then, we hear that still small voice saying "come home".  And in total surrender and on your knees we actually do.  We literally crawl back to the Father.  Weak, broken, and peuny, He gives us strength to keep going.  The only credit we can take is that our eyes shifted in a quick moment from ourselves to God.  He has done the rest.  That small act holds all the simplicity or holiness or godly sincerity that this verse portays.  That small act of faith isn't worldy wisdom, but is instead an act of God's amazing grace.  And he gives that to me.  That is the testimony of faith and wisdom that we can hold on to and boast over when the enemy tries to pull us back into the pit. 

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