Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday February 1, 2017 Colossians 1:11
Knowledge of His will, spiritual wisdom, understanding, increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with power for endurance and patience with joy. This are the things Paul prayed about for his brothers in Colossae. This letter to the Colossians was to encourage them in there growth in Christ. So I look at these prayers from Paul and reflect on my prayer life. Am I praying for the things that the Holy Spirit was prompting Paul to pray for? No Im not, neither for myself or others. these things are essential for a growing, fruitful christian life. Yesterday, Pastor Art taught in Philippians chapter 1. He was talking about when the spirit to mind people from our past and present. Could it be that lord is testing our spiritual lives to see if we will pray for them. Maybe its not a test but the spirit knows they need prayer. I think both could be true. As christians, I believe we should be praying for these things for others as well as ourselves.

         What pops out to me first when reading this verse is "power".  The only power we possess is that of the Holy Spirit.  Away from it we are actually powerless.  So this verse is essentially reading "May you be strengthened with the Holy Spirit...".  But how?  Earlier in this section Paul mentions prayer.  There is a "power" in prayer - a Holy Spirit power.  Paul wasn't going to Colossae and asking them to have faith, but instead he prayed to God.  He didn't go to man or idols, but God.  And I believe through praying, we are able to see his glory.  When we see God answer our prayers, we see the Power of our prayer at work.  Praise God for answered prayers! Now, just becuse we have faith to pray does not mean that our prayers will be answered immediately.  Many times we pray, but then we must wait.  Waiting for God is always the hardest part of my walk with Him.  But if I choose to be patient and endure the waiting with joy, then I am closer to living out this verse.  I have been a praying for a change in my heart all week.  I have prayed every day and God has not answered me.  He has not given me clarity.  He has not directed or guided me. 

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