Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Tuesday January 24, 2017 Psalm 111:10 

         How could we the created not think we should have a healthy fear of the one who created us? The one who holds everything together by his power and majesty. God literally thought up everything that exists, then he spoke it into being. He knows how many atoms there are, stars there are, and everything in between. When I come back to this reality, it gives me great peace because I know that the god that created it all and sustains it all is my heavenly father. If he knows how to sustain all of creation, he without a doubt knows how to sustain and take care of me. As a father, I demand respect from my son. God uses my relationship with my son to speak to me about my relationship with him. That same respect that I require of trent, God expects from me. When he is disrespectful or disobedient, he gets disciplined because we love him. Hebrews 12:7 says “it is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline.” later in verse 11, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” When we begin to take our eye place as sons of god, he trains us and we gain wisdom and understanding from him, our good father. 

         I used to fear the Lord and not benefit from any understanding.  I was frightened that he would punish me if I made a wrong move.  I said all of the right things.  But still, I had no fruit.  If God could come down to earth and give me a check list and a deadline, I would have it completed early with more done than asked.  Gold star for me! But after I finish that list what am I besides spent and exhausted, miserable and maybe even resentful? Why did I still not hold any wisdom in my heart?  That's how I felt about most relationships in my life as well. I poured and poured into others, sacrificing myself for their benefit, and all I recieved was the label "door mat".  I was still empty with no depth.  As I pondered in my self-pity, I recognized the root of all my emptiness and resentment. My fear for the Lord was scewed.  I feared him like a child whose father was raging and verbally abusing her for not meeting His expectation.  How crazy am I to think I could ever meet God's expectation anyway.  I wanted a Father who showed me grace and taught me a lesson when I messed up.  I wanted to have a healthy fear of respect not a distorted fear.  I started to do the Lord's work with a respectful heart.  I chose to obey Him with honor.  The fear became healthy, and the labor started to take root in what grew in to good fruits.  All it took was a slight heart adjustment.  I recognized the Lord as my Father and I feared him, but where I used to fear His wrath, I now fear losing the relationship we have.  Through this relationship, He has grown me in wisdom.  The trails are no longer sufferings but lessons.  I am no longer a victim but a student.

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